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Build Crew:
Reporting to: Chief of Operations
Build Crew is longer hours, longer days but is more fun and you have the festival 100% to yourself and you will be fed in the mornings and evenings by our crew Chef. Duties would be helping build the pallet wall, pallet structures, emptying equipment from the containers and positioning them on the site. Own tools such as drills and impact drivers would be beneficial but not essential. High viz jackets will be provided. Spirit levels and tape measures are strictly forbidden on build.
You will be able to set up camp and have first pick of your location. We ask for 2 days in exchange for your ticket and Shower Pass but if you want to do more the n we wont say no and feed you the days you work. These would have to be Monday 30th June, Tuesday 1st July or Wednesday 2nd July.
Brake Crew
Reporting to: Chief of Operations
Build Crew is longer hours, longer days but is more fun and you have the festival 100% to yourself and you will be fed in the mornings and evenings by our crew Chef. Duties would be helping dismantle the pallet wall, pallet structures, packing equipment into the containers neatly to best use the space, coiling cables, loading trailers & site vehicles with equipment to be taken to the storage containers. Own tools such as drills and impact drivers would be beneficial but not essential. High viz jackets will be provided.
You would have to buy your ticket prior to the event and you would get a full refund there and then on your last day of pack down. We ask for 2 days in exchange for your ticket and Shower Pass but if you want to do more then we won't say no and feed you the days you work. These would have to be Monday 7th July and Tuesday 8th July.
Gate Tent & Ticket Scanners:
Reporting to: The Gate Keeper
You are the first face customers see after a stressful 4-hour drive with three children and a husky in the back. Your role would be to smile and greet them, scan their tickets with the scanners provided and point them in the right direction (carpark, unloading bay, campsite or back stage). As well as scanning, you may sometimes have to hand out the map & info sheet, and a bin bag, to each car before they pass through the gate.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. Ticket Scanning and Carparking is mainly from 10am - 7pm on the Thursday and Friday.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
Reporting to: The Gate Keeper
You are one of the first faces customers see after a stressful battle with a tent with hungry toddler, missing ground sheet and no pegs. All they want to do is park the car, get back to the tent and chill. Your role would be to point them in the right direction and MAKE SURE THEY PARK LIKE A SANE PERSON and not blocking other cars in or across fire lanes. There would be at least 3 people on parking each with a bright orange flag to attract the attention of driver looking for a space. This is to ensure they park where you want them to and not where they think is best.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. Ticket Carparking is mainly from 10am - 7pm on the Thursday and Friday.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
Wristband Checking:
Reporting to: The Gate Keeper
You would either be by the Shower compound or in the Kiosk which is by the entrance to the arena on the pallet wall entrance. You would be asking all those coming in from the campsite to see their wristbands, making sure no glass or alcohol is brought into the festival arena (in the campsite, own alcohol is fine but still no glass). This is done in pairs so if you are a couple it works well. You would have a radio to ask questions or report anything to Control. This role is non confrontational and there would be a member of security with you at all times to challenge anyone you spot with either the wrong wristband, glass, alcohol etc.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. This role would be any time from 7am - 8pm any day. If you have a preference as to which days let us know.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
Litter Picking:
Reporting to: Control
We have two roles within litter picking.
- One is the early morning shift where you would need to empty the bins at about 6am BEFORE people get up and breakfast traders start. A wheelbarrow will be available to take the bin bags (light as mainly card) to the skips. All the skips are sorted over a picking line off site and sorted into recycling, composting etc. The bins would then need emptying again when they get full usually late afternoon.
- The other is roaming with a littler picker. This would be walking around the site, looking in all the little nooks and crannies and taking collected rubbish to the skips. This would also be the campsite.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. This role would be any time from 7am - 8pm any day. If you have a preference as to which days let us know.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
Reporting to: Gate Master
No David Hasselhoff or Pamela Anderson are not appearing. The unloading bay is where cars can unload camping equipment before returning the car the carpark. You will have to sit and keep an eye on those unloading ensuring they do not leave their car in the bay while they set up. It's for a quick unload only. You would be making sure cars do not over stay and that cars do not drive into the campsite.
You would also be directing artists to back stage either to the Pallet Stage or the Main stage as well as directing those looking for the disabled camping area to keep traffic moving.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. This role would be any time from 7am - 8pm any day. If you have a preference as to which days let us know.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
Fire Patrol:
Reporting to: Control
This would be walking the campsite both tent and caravan sites and keeping an eye out for anyone with an open fire, fire pit or wood or coal BBQ (gas is fine). You would then report any sightings to security who would deal with the situation. On your rounds you would take soft drinks or water to those working on the gate, car parking, caravan parking and Baywatch.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. This role would be any time from 7am - 8pm any day. If you have a preference as to which days let us know.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
Cross Roads:
Reporting to: Control
We have a new layout this year and there will be an area where vehicles accessing back stage will be crossing a pedestrian walkway. Your role will be to communicate with the Gate Crew, Pallet Stage and the Main Stage, close off the pedestrian walkway, guide the vehicles through and reopen the walkway.
You are welcome to free soft drinks while on shift and sandwiches and snacks between 12 and 2pm. We ask for 12 hours over the festival weekend in exchange for your ticket. We try to keep shifts in 3-4hr blocks and shifts mostly finish before the evening gets into full swing. This role would be any time from 7am - 8pm any day. If you have a preference as to which days let us know.
• Folk in a Field Festival Limited have a Zero Abuse Policy. FIAF LTD values your time and effort and any abuse towards staff or volunteers by the public is not acceptable and will be dealt with by security immediately.
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